The brain and the way we think




In this bundle your kids will learn the structure of the human brain through a PowerPoint. They will also get to activate their brain through 5 different fun experiments. They will be engaged through the hands on activities.

This bundle includes two different activities:

  • Through a PowerPoint (also comes a a Pdf in case you don’t have PowerPoint) your kids will learn the structure of the human brain. They will learn about the different parts and learn their functions. They will also find out how we think and will experience the difference of slow and fast thinking through some activities.
  • Your kids will activate their brains in the second resource, which is 5 different hands on activities or stations. They will understand how the brain works, as they do the experiments and will process their learning through writing observations down on the worksheet. You, their teacher, will get the scientific explanation behind each station in your answer sheet.

Have fun learning about the brain!!! Each activity is engaging and can be done at separate times.

The brain and the way we think